QJNU College of International Studies

About College of International Studies

College of International Studies of QJNU


College of International Studies of QJNU

College of International Studies of Qujing Normal Universitywas established in January 2010 with the aim of integrating teaching resourcesfrom inside and outside the university, adopting a flexible mode of schooling,taking the path of international schooling and diversifying the scale ofschooling.In 2017,College of International Studies was abolished as a result of an institutionalmerger, and international student-related operations were integrated into theSchool of Foreign Languages. 2020 saw the reorganization of the School and the re-establishment of College of International Studies, which was attached toInternational Cooperation and Exchange Office and co-located as InternationalCooperation and Exchange Office (College of International Studies).

Qujing Normal University is committed to traininginternational students who are familiar with the basic knowledge of China’snational conditions and culture, who can apply solid professional knowledge andskills in the practical environment of multiple countries and participate ininternational exchange and cooperation; and who can play a role in mutualrespect, understanding and solidarity among different ethnic groups, societiesand countries. College of International Studies is responsible for therecruitment, training and management of international students under theleadership of the University’s Foreign Affairs Leadership Working Group. Collegeof International Studies is committed to comprehensively improving thelistening, speaking, reading, writing and intercultural communication skills ofmedium and long-term language students, comprehensively safeguarding andimproving the teaching quality of academic international students, deepeningthe cognition of Chinese language and culture and the understanding of Chineseculture among students of language and culture study courses and campers ofvarious summer camps, striving to cultivate various Chinese cultural messenger,and ultimately realizing the high-quality development of the teaching andmanagement of international students in the university and enhancing theinternational development of education in the university. The aim is to achievehigh quality teaching and management of international students and to enhancethe international development of our education.

Since 2009, a total of more than 1,000international students have been enrolled in the university, with nationalitiesfrom the United States, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Spain,Kazakhstan, Ghana, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Belgium, Sri Lanka andother countries. The enrolment of international students in the academic systemstarted in 2014, and the majors that students study have developed from asingle major of business administration in 2014 to a number of majors such asHotel Management, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Advertising,Accounting, Physical Education, Software Engineering and Business English. Theteaching structure of international students has also developed from a singlemedium- and long-term language study program to the current parallel programsof academic education, preparatory education, medium- and long-term languagestudy education, various summer camps and Chinese language and cultureexperience education, and the levels of international student education havebeen enriched, the scale has been expanded and the quality of training has beensteadily improved.

College of International Studies actively contactslocal overseas Chinese affairs departments and takes the initiative to play thefunction of serving local overseas Chinese affairs by universities. In December2016, Qujing Normal University was awarded the third batch of Chinese languageeducation bases in Yunnan Province, and the base is located in College ofInternational Studies. Relying on the platform of the base, College of InternationalStudies has actively carried out training for Chinese language teachers, summercamps and sending out teachers. Up to 2021, it has successfully organized four“Myanmar Chinese Language Teachers’ Certificate Training Courses”, with 190participants; four “Overseas Chinese Youth·China Roots Journey Summer Camps” and four“Embracing China·Charming Qujing Camp”,with a total of 316 participants; 3 teachers were sent out; 10 internationalstudents were enrolled for the “Yunnan Overseas Chinese Affairs OfficeScholarship”. In addition, relying on this base, College of International Studieswill further actively promote the “Chinese Language and Culture ExperienceClass” program in cooperation with a number of overseas universities andsecondary schools, and expand the recruitment channels for internationalstudents in all aspects.

Based on the national “One Belt and One Road”initiative and the development plan of Yunnan Province as the “Radiation Centerfor South and Southeast Asia”, and based on the location advantage of thesecond largest city in Yunnan Province, College of International Studies willfurther establish and improve the rules and regulations of international students’recruitment, education and management, optimize the education and teachinghardware and software conditions, and further promote the special programs ofinternational students’ cultivation in specific countries and regions. It willactively develop cooperation channels with universities along the "Beltand Road" and jointly apply for the establishment of Confucius Institutesor Confucius Classrooms to expand its overseas influence and enhance its brand,so as to achieve an annual increase of 20% in the number of internationalstudents enrolled and a steady increase in the number of international studentswith academic qualifications.